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Jaizkibel – Hondarribia


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The Jaizkibel ( Spanish : Jaizquíbel ) is a hill in the Spanish Basque Country . According to some readings, it is the westernmost peak of the Pyrenees , according to others, the Pyrenees stop at the beach of Hendaye , just east of the Jaizkibel. On the north side of the hill is the coast of the Cantabrian Sea , east of it is the mouth of the river Bidasoa . At the foot of the hill on the southern side are the towns of Hondarribia , Irún , Pasaia , Errenteria and Lezo . These last three places belong to the metropolitan area of San Sebastian .

The Jaizkibel is included every year in the Clásica San Sebastián , with the climb starting in Lezo. The highest point of the climb is at 455 metres [1] . Usually the race explodes on the Jaizkibel, then descends a bit after half the climb. This is followed by a less steep stretch. Once the riders reach the summit, another descent with treacherous turns follows.

Until 2009, the Jaizkibel was usually only in the Clásica’s route once, but since 2010 the mountain and the connecting Alto de Arkale have been included twice. Until 2018, the second passage was about 40 kilometres before the finish. In the 2019 edition, which has changed in course, the race will continue for 55 km after the second climb, with another climb of the Alto de Murgil 7 km before the finish.

Extra Info

Weight 0,120 kg

W 43mm x D 34mm x H 77mm