Passo del Gran San Bernardo – Aoste


  • Have a mile marker engraved

    Lijn 1

    Lijn 2

    Lijn 3



The Great St Bernard Pass is the mountain pass between the Swiss Val d’Entremont and the Valle d’Aosta in Italy. That is in the Valais and Pennine Alps, in south-western Switzerland and north-western Italy.

The road over the Great St Bernard Pass, the E27, connects Martigny in Switzerland with Aosta in Italy. The road can be driven only from the beginning of June to the end of October. In winter, the road is closed. Below the Great St Bernard Pass, at an altitude of about 1900 metres, is the Great St Bernard Tunnel, which is used by the vast majority of traffic between Martigny and Aosta. Source Wikipedia

Extra Info

Weight 0,120 kg

W 43mm x D 34mm x H 77mm